The idea that dentures are only for the elderly is outdated. In fact, anyone may require a set of dentures regardless of their age because they can help with eating and speaking more comfortably. Premature tooth loss can occur due to accidents, injuries, medical conditions, or poor oral hygiene. Some factors are uncontrollable. But staying on top of those you have power over, such as dental care, may help you avoid dentures in the future.
Here are signs you may need dentures.
Loose teeth. Loose or unstable teeth may indicate the need for a replacement option down the road. This doesn’t happen overnight, though, so it’s possible to avoid it. Loose teeth can be due to severe gum disease. The gum recedes, and the teeth lose their support. Ideally, the gums should be snug around the teeth, but bacterial infections can cause them to pull away. If the condition worsens, the bone could also deteriorate.
Missing teeth. Missing teeth can occur at birth or due to poor dental care habits. Gaps between teeth can be harmful to your oral health. Each tooth has a role to play in the mouth. If one or several are missing, the rest of the teeth double the work. This can strain them and lead to premature wear and tear. Remaining teeth can also shift out of position and impact your bite. Misaligned teeth can be unsightly and difficult to clean. They can also make you more vulnerable to decay, cavities, and gum disease.
Decayed teeth. Several decayed teeth or cavities are also a sign you may need artificial teeth eventually. But this can be prevented with brushing, flossing, and routine dental hygiene cleanings. Food deposits cling to the teeth and attract harmful bacteria, which feed off them. Bacteria then produce acids that beat the enamel down. If this progresses, your teeth may develop brown or black spots or holes. Bad bacteria can also spread and infect other teeth. This is why preventative measures are essential for your teeth to last a long time.
Sensitive or weak gums. Weak, tender, bleeding, and sensitive gums are signs of gum disease. Gum disease can be minor or severe. Minor gum disease is hard to detect because the symptoms aren’t obvious or painful. Keeping up with your oral hygiene routine will help strengthen your gums so they can continue to do their job well.
Severe dry mouth. Dry mouth can be due to poor hydration or prescription medications. It can be common among adults who are taking various maintenance medications. A dry mouth can lead to an increased risk of developing cavities, tooth decay, and bad breath. Without proper care, these factors may contribute to having unhealthy natural teeth and tooth loss.
Chronic toothaches. If you’re constantly dealing with severe toothaches, it may be due to an infection that has reached the nerves of the tooth. It’s best to detect infections early to increase the chances of saving the natural tooth. This will also keep you from needing comprehensive dental procedures.
It's possible to avoid wearing dentures as you get older or at any point in your life. See your dentist or dental hygienist, even if you don’t notice anything wrong in your mouth. Dental cleanings and checkups are often only needed twice a year. Your dental team can detect potential oral health issues and work with you to keep them from developing and coming back.
For dental hygiene or tooth replacement concerns in Calgary, AB, please contact us at Springbank Dental Centre. Today's dentures are a lot more comfortable. Plus, there are other options, such as Invisalign and dental implants, that you may explore to get back your complete smile.
Still, nothing beats your natural teeth so we encourage you to take good care of them. We're here to help.
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