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How does a dentist remove tartar?

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Tartar is plaque that has solidified. It’s hard, crusty, and unsightly.

Dental plaque is soft, so it can still be removed by brushing and flossing. But tartar removal requires a dental visit. Tartar can cause gum disease, bad breath, tooth discolouration, and decay if it remains on tooth surfaces.

Some people are more vulnerable to developing tartar. Schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible if you notice these deposits on the surfaces of your teeth.

Your dentist can remove them and restore the health of your teeth. You might be wondering what to expect during the procedure. Let’s find out more in this post.

How does your dentist remove tartar?

Your dentist or dental hygienist starts with a thorough examination of your mouth. They use a small mirror to check the inside part of your mouth for potential issues.

If your dentist locates tartar, they will use a scaler to remove it. A scaler is a handheld device with a metal hook on one end. Think of a dental pick but professional grade.

Scraping should be done by a dental professional to avoid damaging the enamel or cutting your gums. Removal may take longer if there’s excessive buildup.

Your dentist may also use an ultrasonic scaling instrument to remove calculus from the teeth. It works gently to prevent damage to your teeth and the roots.

An ultrasonic scaler uses ultrasound and creates shockwaves to break down deposits. Afterward, it emits water or mouthwash to flush away debris. It can also remove deposits from the gums. It has small tips, which help target challenging spaces between or around teeth.

After removing deposits, your dentist proceeds to brush your teeth. They may also apply fluoride to strengthen teeth enamel.

Oral hygiene cleanings are usually done twice a year. But depending on the condition of your mouth, you may need it more frequently.

Is tartar removal painful?

Tartar removal may or may not be painful, depending on several factors.

Even if tartar removal may be painful due to exposed tooth roots or sensitive teeth, the discomfort should subside in a few days

What to expect from a dental cleaning procedure

Expect minor sensitivity or soreness after the dental cleaning procedure, no matter how experienced your dentist or hygienist is. Note the following too:

Regular dental cleaning is essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you’re in SW Calgary and are due for a cleaning, contact us at (587) 317-9910.

Paying more attention to your dental care habits can address these issues and make your future dental treatments more comfortable.

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